Full List of Publications
Thank you to all the editors who have published my work:
Dalhousie Review, forthcoming, 2025, "Getting at the Truth"
On the Seawall, forthcoming, 2025 "Land of Joy," "Little Bells."
Lake Effect, forthcoming, 2024/25, "Late Summer."
Spoon River Poetry Review, forthcoming, Winter 2025, "An Ode to Eating Liver."
Literary Review of Canada's Bookworm, forthcoming on Substack, March 2025, "Wealth and Morality, Aka the Good Stuff."
The Nashwaak Review, forthcoming, 2024/2025, "The Sound of Cells ," "Intricate Ankle," "Statistics," "Late Capitalism," and "Bookcloth."
The Worcester Review, forthcoming, Volume 45, Fall 2024/25, "The Most Precious Noun in the Universe."
Main Street Magazine Rag, forthcoming, 2024/25, "Mr Immaculate."
Literary Review of Canada, March 2025, "New Year's on the Swamp."
Verse Daily, "Small Potatoes."
The Manhattan Review, Volume 21, No. 2, November 2024, "Small Talk," "Small Potatoes," "The Apogee of Pencils."
Sugar House Review, Issue 29, Winter 2024, "The Christ of Deer and Dishwashers and Baristas."
The Crank, Issue 5, 2024, "Little Manifesto."
Channel, Issue 11, October 2024, The Understory in Autumn."
Tar River Poetry, Issue 64, number 1, Autumn 2024, "Students," "Considering the Homonyms Prey and Pray."
Bear Review, Volume 11, Issue 1, Autumn 2024, "Lesson," and "The New Mythology."
Pembroke Magazine, Issue 56, 2024, "On the Nature of Art."
Berkeley Poetry Review, "When the World Moves On," 2024, "World News."
Queen's Quarterly, Volume 131, No. 4, 2024, "Ode to Joy."
Chiron Review, Fall 2024, "I Didn't Ask For This," "Two Thousand Years."
The Antigonish Review, Issue 214, 2024, forthcoming, "Dominion"
ROOM Magazine, Utopia, Issue 47-1, 2024, "The Poem that Beats All Wars, Defeats All Enemies, Annihilates Annihilation."
EVENT Magazine, Issue 52/3, 2024, "Escaping the News," "The Fires."
Prairie Fire, Volume 44, No. 4, 2024, "A Walking Prayer."
Grain, "Invocations," Winter 2024, "The Snow Burial."
Atlanta Review, 2023/2024, "Vertigo."
Haiku Canada Review, Autumn 2023, untitled haiku.
The Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature, "White Pine," "Winter," "Sway," "The Voice," "4 P.M."
Triggerfish Critical Review, Winter 2023/2024, Issue 31, "Portrait of a Future Grief," "In Defiance of the Diagnosis," "Footnotes for the Frost Moon."
The Hamilton Stone Review, Issue #49, Fall 2023, "Slash Pile."
Contemporary Verse 2, Volume 46, No. 2, Fall 2023, "The Grief Garden," "Lover of the Arts."
Prairie Fire, forthcoming, 2023, "A Walking Prayer."
North Dakota Quarterly, forthcoming, Volume 90, 2023, "Wanting to Call this Poem Clerestory, I Settle on Collateral Damage," "Late April," "Shinrin-Yoku, January."
Pensive, A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts, Issue 7, 2023, "Trust Brevity."
Riddle Fence, Issue 49, Autumn 2023, "Still Life with Six Persimmons."
West Trade Review, Summer 2023, "The Last Blue Heron." (Audio.)
Red Tree Review, 2023, Issue Three, "Pause," "A Great Humming."
On the Seawall, May 2023, "Things I Forgot to Tell You."
B O D Y, Spring 2023, "Distance," "Going Back."
rob mclennan's blog, March 7, 2023, Interview.
The Honest Ulsterman, Winter 2023,
"Delivering a Birthday Cake to My Daughter in a Distant City, I Listen
to Thomas Quasthoff Perform 'Der Leiermann' from Winterreise."
January Review, Winter 2023, Issue 06, "Hosanna."
december magazine, Vol. 33.2, Fall 2022, "Temperance Valley," "This Moment is Not for Sale."
The Hamilton Stone Review, Fall 2022, "Midnight Solved as Snow."
Slant: A Journal of Poetry, November 2022, "A Journey of Pleasure and Peril."
The Lakeshore Review, Fall 2022, "Providence Bay, Driftwood."
The North, Issue 68, August 2022, "Fruit."
One, October 2022, Issue 27, "The Arrival of a Train (at La Ciotat Station), A Documentary, 1896, The Lumière Brothers."
Mayday Magazine, September 2022, "[via negativa]"
On the Storm/In the Struggle, League of Canadian Poet's Chapbook, forthcoming, Summer 2022, "Canadian Gothic."
Poetry Pause, League of Canadian Poet's, "Three Seconds in Winter" (previously published with Columba).
The Dalhousie Review, Summer 2022, Issue 102.1, "Some of My Best Friends Are Armchairs or Icons."
The Windhover, August 2022, Issue 26.2, "Source."
Plainsongs, July 2022, "Spring Melt."Roanoke Review, July 2022, "Touching Angels."
Reed Magazine, June 2022, Issue 155, "The Scent of Cedar."
The Meadow, Summer 2022, "Pastoral."
Worth More Standing (Anthology), April 2022, "A Philosophy of Water".
The Green Hills Literary Lantern, Spring 2022, "Non Sum Qualis Eram."
Fourteen Hills, The SFSU Review, No. 28, 2022, "Genesis."
The Emerson Review, Issue 51, April 2022, "She Prepares Her Body for the Earth."
Verse Daily, March 25 2022, "Gnomon."
Mason Street Review, March 2022, "My Sister Wears Five Gold Barrettes and Smells of Mint and Cigarette Smoke."
The Honest Ulsterman, February 2022, "Escaping into Glenn Gould." Innisfree, 34, Spring 2022, "The Beginning of Winter."
Columba, Issue 10, Winter 2022, "Emergence."
Ekstasis Magazine, January 2022, "The Invitation."
Triggerfish Critical Review, Issue 27, Winter 2022, "Clair de Lune," "Boy Impastoed," "Defense Against the Dark Arts."
The South Carolina Review, Fall 2021, "Rakes, Kickstands, Freckles," "New Moon, Halfway to Winter Solstice."
Twelve Mile Review, Fall/Winter 2021, "Gnomon."
Channel Magazine, Issue 5, Fall 2021, "Vowels in Treetops."
Relief, A Journal of Art and Faith, , Spring 2021, "Prelude for a Fugue."
The Inflectionist Review, Issue 13, 2021, "What if the soul indeed is outside the body."
Contemporary Verse 2, Volume 44, No.2, Fall 2021, "Scribbling on the Underside of an Eyelid," "Resurrection, A Story."
Poetry Scotland, Issue 102, Fall 2021, "Hearth."
The Wild Word, Fall 2021, "[poem whispered to the loved one]"
Night Picnic Press, Volume 4, Issue 3, October 2021, "Solace," "A Crack on Void," "Raze."
The Summerset Review, Autumn 2021, "Just a Sparrow."
The /tƐmz/ Review, Issue 16, Summer 2021, "Wanting
to Own a Painting is like Wanting Love to Cure You or Using Paper Money
to Staunch a Wound," "Blueweed," "Saffron," "Zaffre."
You Are a Flower Growing off the Side of a Cliff, chapbook, from League of Canadian Poets, 2021, "So Much Depends Upon."
The Shore, Issue Ten, Summer 2021, "There Will Be Time Enough Otherwise for Salaciousness and Ruin."
Dunes Review, Spring 2021, "Field Guide," "Certainty."
Elevation Review, Issue 3, February 2021, "Detail of a Winter Landscape."
takahē magazine, Issue 100, December 2020, "The Moose Calf."
Crab Creek Review, Spring 2021, "Threshold."
Trinity House Review, Eastertide, Spring 2021, "The Great Appraisal."
Berfrois, Spring 2021, "The Brickworks," "The Crystal Chrysanthemum."
Columba, Issue 7, Spring 2021, "Three Seconds in Winter."
The Anti-Languorous Project, no. 9, Spring 2021, "At the Trading Post," "The Wild," "Tradition."
San Pedro River Review, Volume 13, No 1, Spring 2021, "A Study, at Maria's on Notre Dame."
Juniper, Volume 4, Issue 2, Fall 2020, "Three Days Past the Summer Solstice, I Think of Your Loneliness," "Fifty," and "A Little Warmth."
The Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature, Fall 2020, "The Fluency of Cattle," "Preserves," "Knowing the Difference," and "Flight," in their print edition, and online, "Living."
Pensive, A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts, Issue 1, Fall 2020, "The Partita," and "What to Do in the City."
Connecticut River Review, August 2020, "Hymnal"
Salamander Magazine, Issue 50, Spring/Summer 2020, "Sabbatical."
Poetry Pause, Canadian League of Poets, July 23 2020, "A Mother and Her Two Children, A Holy Trinity of: How do You Pronounce Your Vowels?"
Northampton Poetry Review, Issue 5, Music, July 2020, "Early Spring," and "Organ Music."
About Place Journal: Practices of Hope, May, 2020, "Cicatrix."
Pembroke Magazine, Issue 52, Spring 2020, "Tracks," and "Canadian Kyoto."
Under a Warm Green Linden, Spring 2020, "Almost."
Ramblr, June 2020, "Anatomy of the Orbit of Desire."
Hamilton Stone Review, Issue, 42, Spring 2020, "Drift," "In Concert (part ii)."
Poetica Review, Issue Five, Spring 2020, "Some Images of Women," "A Human Poem," and "Crosshairs."
Thank you Bryan R. Monte and Amsterdam Quarterly for spending time with At Home with Disquiet — my first review!
Gyroscope Review, April 2020, "The Black Draft."
Sulphur, Spring 2020, nonfiction, "Milk"
The Windhover, February 2020, "Because of Light."
Storm Cellar - A Literary Journal of Safety and Danger, Winter 2020, "Tungsten."
Longlisted for the CBC Poetry Award 2019! Thank you judges!
isacoustic, November 2019, "Five," "An Untitled Rothko," "Atoms for Adams," "White Sheets," and "Jacquard."
The Result is What You See Today, Poems About Running, October 2019, "Running As Birdsong."
The Hamilton Stone Review, Issue 41, Fall 2019, "Thinking While Driving, Northern Ontario, November," "From Teshigahara's Desert the Ocean Flows to Fill a Bucket," "Ingress," "Meditation Beside an Unkempt Lot," and "Four White Calves Trot Out Onto the Field."
Valley Voices: A Literary Review, Volume 19, No. 2, Fall 2019, "In Concert (part i)."
Natural Bridge, Issue No. 41, Fall 2019, "A Rural Mom Warms her Daughter About Dangers in the City."
Envoi, Issue 183, 2019, "Solstice," and "Breath Bone."
Willawaw Journal, Issue 7, Fall 2019, "Raft."
The Literary Review of Canada, October 2019, "A Scenario."
Gyroscope Review, October 2019, Crone Edition, "Agrarian Landscape with Fan Brush."
Poetry Ireland Review, Issue 128, 2019, "Tracks Disappearing Over a Field."
West Texas Literary Review, Issue 9, Spring 2019, "The Augury of Yellow."
Kestrel, A Journal of Literature and Art, Issue 41, Summer 2019, "Going Home" and "Atlas of Anatomy for an Artist."
The Sunlight Press, August 25, 2019, "A Painting which Smells of Oil and Sweetness," and "A Small Room with a Generous View."
The Meadow, Summer 2019, "Tangerine."
Up The Staircase Quarterly, August 2019, Harrow Issue, "How the Swan Swims the River Aux Sables."
Equinox, Poetry and Prose, Issue Two, July 2019, "One Shade Away From Never Having Been."
The Galway Review, June 2019, "Grey Pine."
Soundings East Magazine, Spring 2019, Volume 41, "Rust."
The Honest Ulsterman, June, 2019, "After Blind River."
On the Seawall, June 4, 2019, "Gentrification," and "A Meal of Meditation Not at the Zhongli Night Market."
The Rat's Ass Review, Summer 2019, "My Beloved Feeds Me Dirt," "Jackdaw, Chyak-Chyak," "Articulating," and "Three Teens Sleep in a Tent."
HeartWood Literary Magazine, Spring 2019, Issue 7, "Fingernails of Grain, Which Kept Safe My Childhood," and "It Happened A Long Time Ago and Keeps Happening."
Juked, April, 2019, "Pink."
Poethead, March 23, 2019, "Seed," "A Letter to My Ex Concerning Houseleeks," "The Mother," and "Considering Their Pale Faces."
Dying Dahlia Review, March 5th,2019, Interview.
SWWIM, January 31, 2019, "Bird."
Dying Dahlia Review, January 15, 2019, "Sex With You is a Strange Violin."
The American Journal of Poetry, Volume Six, January 2019, "Motive," "Instruments," Statistics, 2012," "Lurker."
Typishly, January 14, 2019, "Compression."
The Curlew, Betula, Volume III, December 2018, "Deducing the Way."
The Adirondack Review, December 2018, "First Fort."
Amaryllis Poetry, November 26, 2018, "When I Hold You Red Bursts Through the Eye."
Peacock Journal, October 2018, "Book of God," "I Talk So Much," "Hands Remember Best," "Them Cows."
HeadStuff, October 2018, "After Hours."
Minola Review, Issue 19, September 2018, "If God's Name Were Ma'am."
Vox Poetica, August 2018, "Textus of a Soul."
Tipton Poetry Journal, Issue # 38, Summer 2018, "This Much is True."
O:JA&L; Open: Journal of Arts & Letters, July, 2018, "It Seeks Cracks and Enters," "Rarity Keeps the Raven at Bay," "Centripetal Force and a Lull in the Stratosphere."
Rust and Moth, Autumn, 2018, "Pulling Carrots, Cabbage, Turnips, Late Fall."
Split Rock Review, Waters Deep: A Great Lakes Poetry Anthology, "Taking the Big Canoe to Childhood."
West Texas Literary Review, Issue 6, June 2018, "Ecology."
NatureWriting.com, June 15, 2018, "For Instance."
The Hunger, Spring 2018, "Picnic."
Radius, May 2018, "The Shine on the Road's Blacktop When It Rains."
NatureWriting.com, April 21, 2018, "Waking in April: Northern Ontario."
Tipton Poetry Journal, Issue # 36, Winter 2018, "Letter to My Children."
New Madrid Journal of Contemporary Literature, Winter 2018, "The Photography of Eclipse."
San Pedro River Review, Vol. 9, No. 2, Fall 2017, "Travelers," "A Winter's Night, a Love Poem."
Mobius, The Journal of Social Change, Summer 2017, "Filling up at the Moonlight."
Peacock Journal - Beauty First, March 2017, "River Road," "Spiderwebs in Twilight," "In Caul."
Vox Poetica, June 2017, "God Stalks, as if You were Hunted."
Forage, July 2017, "November."
Poppy Road Review, June 2017, "Against Aphasia."
Up the Staircase Quarterly, Issue #33, 2016, "A Sad Tale of an Orchid and a Window."
Mocking Heart Review, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2016, "Apology from a Rural Girl," "Like the Agony of Water," "The Luminous Discharge," "Photogravure."
Red River Review, August 2016, "A Couple of Things to Remember."
Watershed Review, Fall, 2016, "From Outside the Ribcage of the Ecstatic, the World Peers Through."
Poppy Road Review, March 2016, "Surrender."
Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, February 2015, "Within the Body of the Aux Sables."
Rust + Moth, Autumn 2014, "Explaining to Sarah that Chuck has Died."
Up the Staircase Quarterly, Issue 27, 2014, "The Game of Peonies and Foxes and You."
Poppy Road Review, June 2014, "Cantilevered."
Blue Hour Magazine, August, 2014, "The English Word for Hiraeth is Toast," "From Out of the Earthbox."